Friday, June 17, 2011

Could It Be.. UNICORN PEE?!

I know I've been away for a while, I haven't been too inspired to work on my blog. I don't know what the hell it is, but I get so depressed, I can barely move.
I hope I could be more inspired to finally update this blog the way I truly want to.
Maybe I should start doing yoga, or meditating, or go to church.
I need something to keep the peace in my drama filled life.

I can't quite remember which day I finally received my Clarins 230 in the mail but it's finally MINE!
*giggles menacingly*
Okay, as you all know, my nails aren't the length I want them to be to actually swatch this and so many other people have swatched Clarins 230 way better than I could possibly do it. So today will just be photos of my lovely bottle. LOL I know hurrah hurrah whooptie doo.

Click to enlarge the outdoor photos. you will NOT be disappointed. Trust me

Once the nails are longer, I promise awesome swatches!

Song Currently Playing On This Post:
Spank Rock - What It Is (Todd Edwards Remix)


PinkGlamPixie said...

Omigoodness I LOVE that color!!! SO prettyful!!!

MamaSparkles said...