Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hello, Hello, Kitty!

Hi everyone!
Okay, as I told you all in my previous post, I've been slacking off pretty badly lately updating my blog. I HAVE been doing my nails though, so worry not, I promised to share my journey with all of you, and I plan to make that a reality. I WILL NOT FALTER! *hee hee*

I may as well explain a little of what has been going on with me.
I've been having some issues with my relationship, on top of having issues with the relationship with my son's father. The two put together while being on a new *hormone* birth control, has me feeling like my mind & heart is in a blender.
The stress is so incredibly overwhelming and sometimes I just cannot deal. I break down a lot.
I was diagnosed with manic depression as a teen and I'm afraid it is something I never got over.
Manic depression is what the docs call, bi-polar disorder, depending on the level one person is at, it's either severe, or mild. I'd love to believe I have mild bi-polar but who knows.
I can be up one second and totally down about nothing the next. Trust me, it's truly debilitating.
Most times, I feel so worthless and can barely move.
I guess I don't work well under pressure.

I'm trying to work through it and find solace and comfort in my obsession (NAILS!) LOL
I miss my boyfriend and I wish he would understand the amount of stress I'm under and the pain I feel.

Well.. bright side because there IS ALWAYS a bright side to all situations. I have two new old manicures to share. My Mortal Kombat inspired mani that I've been promising for like, 2 weeks LOL and one that was a surprise, thrown into the mix of it all..


Now, please remember, I haven't even tested the waters with hand drawn nail art or Konad, or bundle stamping thingie monster stamp. -__-

I'm only referring to Sephora's featured Hello Kitty polish!
They have several lovely colors. My boyfriend surprised me one day and bought me 2.
Minty & Banana Cream. I mean, really, I only wanted them for the bottles! The colors are so common.
The brush is very short (I cannot stand mini brushes and mini polishes) and the formula of the polish is streaky. I will give it the benefit of the doubt though, because I am very inexperienced with polish. It might have just been my terrible technique. (remember, I'm not doing reviews, just perfecting my steady hand!)

Also, bear in mind that I was indoors and this damn color was so hard to capture! It's a very MINT green. Not teal, or blueish, or aqua as the photos show.
I tried to get all fancy shmancy by using a matte top coat over it, Essie's Matte About You, to be exact.

Then I tried to get extra fancy by adding shimmery tips. *sigh* it envisioned better in my mind than it turned out on my fingernails.

The super cute HK heads hehe, I love them

This is BEFORE I applied the matte top coat.

Essie's Matte About You! (just showing the bottle in case anybody is interested in purchasing it. It works great!)

My failed attempt to capture the sparkles in the tips, for which I used Jesse's Girl Firefly

This was a "better" attempt at showing the tips' potential in a no flash photo.

Outdoors, in the sunlight, FAIL!

Last but not least. The bottle of Jesse's Girl Firefly so I could show you what would NOT show up on my nails in photos. It's great, I recommend this polish! So shimmery and beautiful and wait until you see it over black!

It goes without saying, that I, Roxy, needs to finally make my lightbox.
Maybe next week?

Thanks for reading!

Song Currently Playing On This Post:
Pro Nails - Kid Sister

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